Ms. Fauzia Viqar, Federal Ombudsperson against Harassment spoke at an awareness seminar on ‘Protection against Harassment’ organized by National Univeristy of Modern Languages

On 27.11.2023 the National University of Modern Languages organized an awareness seminar on ‘Protection against Harassment.’ Ms. Fauzia Viqar, Federal Ombudsperson against Harassment was the Chief Guest at the event. The seminar was attended by more than 100 students and faculty members.

In her address to the audience Ms. Viqar informed the audience about the ongoing 16 Days of Activism Campaign being run by the Federal Ombudsperson Secretariat for Protection against Harassment (FOSPAH) which is aimed at eliminating gender-based violence against women and girls. Ms. Viqar stated that gender sensitive institutions like FOSPAH are essential to ensure that victims of harassment receive timely justice at no cost and stressed that the Government of Pakistan has a zero tolerance policy for harassment at the workplace. In her presentation Ms. Meher Jamy, Law Officer at FOSPAH explained the provisions of the Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act, 2010 (2010 Act). She told the audience that after the recent amendments to the 2010 Acts students can file complaints of harassment and are covered within the definition of employee. Further, that harassment now encompasses not only acts of a sexual nature but also gender-based discrimination which is based on a pre-conceived prejudicial mindset against one gender. 

The seminar ended with a question answer session where students primarily inquired about the protections available to women and men residing in under-developed areas such as Kashmir, Balochistan and Gilgit Baltistan and the measures FOSPAH has in place for handling sensitive complaints of harassment. Ms. Viqar apprised the audience that FOSPAH is competent to hear complaints from Federal and Trans-Provincial organization situated anywhere in Pakistan and has sensitized staff who provide a reassuring and compassionate environment to victims of harassment.