Military Lands and Cantonments (ML&C) launched its first-ever Legal Internship Program!

Under the leadership of DG Maj. General Irfan Ahmed Malik, Military Lands and Cantonments (ML&C) launched its first-ever Legal Internship Program! Alongside this milestone, he also spearheaded the establishment of the SHe Unit (Sexual Harassment Unit) at the Legal Cell of HQ ML&C and issued an anti-harassment policy to address workplace harassment complaints effectively.

The internship included sessions on topics such as Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of Pakistan, Prevention of Workplace Harassment, Pakistan’s Service and Tax Laws, and The Use of Media for Effective Government Outreach and Advocacy.

As a part of this program, Ms. Meher Jamy, Law Officer at FOSPAH, delivered a compelling session on the Prevention of Workplace Harassment. She highlighted the Protection Against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2010, and provided actionable insights to foster safer, more inclusive, and respectful workplaces.

Together, we stand for dignity, safety, and respect at workplaces!