Awareness seminar on Workplace Harassment held at SSUET in Karachi on 31.05.2024

"It is the need of the hour to raise awareness about this critical issue," said Mr. Syed Sarfaraz Ali, Registrar of Sir Syed University (Cdre. (R) Engr), as he opened the floor on the awareness seminar on Workplace Harassment held at SSUET in Karachi on 31.05.2024. The event featured Ms. Fauzia Viqar, the Federal Ombudsperson for Protection against Harassment, and Ms. Uffaifah Samoo, Assistant Registrar, as esteemed guests.

Mr. Sarfraz Ali praised the Federal Ombudsperson for her presence at the university, noting, "Sir Syed University has been playing a proactive role in addressing harassment claims. There is an active inquiry committee in place to address concerns related to harassment."

Ms. Viqar's speech emphasized "the equality of all citizens has been guaranteed by Article 25 and the inviolability of a person's dignity has been protected by Article 14 of the Constitution of Pakistan". She further stressed the role of FOSPAH in addressing harassment claims and the importance of witnesses - to encourage victims to report the harassment that they go through.

Ms. Uffaifah, Assistant Registrar at FOSPAH, elaborated on the societal stigmas surrounding harassment and the need for collective action to overcome these challenges. She discussed measures to be taken when confronted with such situations while discussing the legal framework of the Act of 2010 as amended in 2022. 

The session concluded with a vote of thanks by the Dean of SSUET and souvenir distribution amongst the guests.