Launching of MEPS and Energy Labelling Regime
National Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority for the first time in the history of Pakistan, has launched the Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for LEDs. All the LEDs available in the market and sold to the consumers will have to adopt these standards & Energy Labelling in two phases.
Chief Guest of the event Dr. Sardar Mohazzam, Managing Director NEECA along with Lighting Manufacturers Association President Mr. Sajjad Ahmad launched MPES and labelling regime. The ceremony was attended by a large number of members of civil society, members of Pakistan Lamps Manufacturers Association, the International Experts from U4E, IIEC and UNEP. The objective of the project is to secure significant global climate change mitigation and environmental benefits by instituting efficient lighting policies. This will create a framework for innovative financial mechanisms that will promote innovative and high efficiency lighting products under the project “Delivering the Transition to Energy Efficient Lighting in Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Outdoor Sectors in Pakistan”. The project is jointly being implemented NEECA and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Creating efficiencies in the lighting and improving the energy intensity of the country was the key objective of the project through various activities. Lighting Standards have been formulated to make the transition from conventional, inefficient lighting to efficient lighting based on uses of LED lamps. Most LEDs available in Pakistan are junk and substandard quality. In order to improve the quality and energy consumption of LED based lighting products, MEPS coupled with the Energy Labelling Regime were launched by NEECA in NEECA Building. The new Museum of Energy Efficiency and Training Facility was also inaugurated in a spectacular ceremony.
“Launch of these MEPS and Energy Labelling Regime is a step towards creating efficiency and will provide a level-playing field for all manufacturers and sellers, while ensuring availability of good quality products for the people” has been emphasized by the NEECA Management Team.