FOSPAH Regional Office Peshawar organized an awareness session on the Harassment Act, 2010 at the Collectorate of Customs, Torkham Border
FOSPAH is committed to protecting the rights of women at the workplace and is taking initiatives to travel to all corners of the country to raise awareness about this prevalent social issue. In this regard, the Peshawar FOSPAH team visited Collectorate of Customs at Torkham Border, where they elaborated on the Harassment Act, 2010 and informed the participants about the behaviours that constitute harassment and the legal remedies available to both men and women against such acts. The session ended with a commitment by Omar Jan, Assistant Collector Custom (Appraisement) Torkham and Ms. Saiqa Abbas, Deputy Collector Torkham to ensure a conducive working environment for their employees and to uphold the highest standards of respect and dignity.